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Magnolia Park Info

Arrival & Dismissal

When the carpool lanes are full, it is imperative for cars to keep moving and to circle back when clear. We must keep traffic moving along Government Street (when cars stop in Government Street waiting to turn in, nothing moves).

Transportation Changes

To ensure the safety and security of each student, it is essential that a regular procedure for returning to home from school daily be established and followed every day. A change in transportation arrangements must be pre-approved or the student will be expected to follow his/her normal procedure. In the event of an emergency, the parent/guardian must contact the building principal. Transportation changes will only be accepted in writing prior to 10 AM. We will not accept transportation changes over the phone.


Students should arrive to school with all necessary materials daily. If a delivery is necessary, we will have a no contact cart for deliveries by the front door. Just write student name on items and we will have it delivered.

Lost & Found

Our lost and found collection is quite full. Please remind students to check the hangers in the cafeteria if they are missing an item. Remember to label all outer wear with names and we will do our best to return items to owners. Everything not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated.